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Title of Experiment
ARS Concepts

End of workshop performance for Mariano Pensotti workshop in Rue de Flandre, Brussels. The 5 day workshop was organised by CIFAS as part of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts 2017

Remnants of Failure

Remnants of Failure– application to PACT residency Urban Frictions – 1 / 2 / 8 Research festival

Choreolab Experiments

This week-long investigation culminated in a short inventory of strategies gleaned from experiments in the studio and in the field. Some of these are documented as photo and video.

Certain Futures

Certain Futures is a proposed public space performance developed and produced by Dianne Weller & Stephen Bain

As part of Nuit Blanche, Brussels 2018 – proposed creation for Institute Diderot

Ministry of Kindness, Improvement & Public Situation

The Ministry of Kindness, Improvement & Public Situation (MKIPS) plays a positive fictional role in shaping and delivering a strong New Zealand cultural outlook.


We develop and deliver policy, services, advice and regulation to support the growth of kindness and the emotional prosperity and wellbeing of all New Zealanders.

City Farm Fiction

City Farm Fiction is an interactive 9-screen semiotic performance wall that uses language from city shop-fronts as source material for concrete-matrix poems, triggered by sound via a listening post.

Smoking Ground

Manipulation of social structures, looking at smoking spaces

Body Walks

Walking in the city taking selfies - but as a walk

Monstrous spaces

Monsters in the buildings


The Queen Street experiment - and maybe this one will have it's own collection of photographs also


Taking metronomes to different places in the city

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